Tiger Schulmann’s

Tiger Schulmann’s vs. the Other Guys

Sitting MMA group with three instructors at Tiger Schulmann's Martial Arts

What sets Tiger Schulmann’s apart from its competitors? Ask any one of our students, and they’ll tell you it’s the quality and level of instruction. The owners and instructors of Tiger Schulmann’s are always learning. Through continuous training and certification, we remain experts in our field. That’s why Tiger Schulmann’s is the most professional martial […]

Mixed Martial Arts at Tiger Schulmann’s

A Woman in punching pose with red punching bags behind at Tiger Schulmann's gym

At Tiger Schulmann’s, we stand for all things self-defense and have made it a priority to deliver top-of-the-line instruction in various fighting styles to all of our students. That’s why Mixed Martial Arts is one of our specialties! Mixed Martial Arts, often abbreviated as MMA, refers to the combination of fighting styles used to face opponents in several […]

How Does Practicing Martial Arts Improve Your Health?

Five Women Training punching at Tiger Schulmann's gym

Martial arts, a sport that encompasses various fighting styles and prepares individuals to defend themselves, naturally improves self discipline and self confidence. But did you know that it offers several health benefits as well? Here are just a few of the ways that engaging in this activity can lead you on a path towards a healthy lifestyle: Cardiovascular […]

How Kickboxing Can Help You Lose Weight

Two MMA fighters in action with gray background

Did you know that kickboxing can burn up to 800 calories per hour? Tiger Schulmann’s kickboxing classes are intense, fat-burning cardio workouts that teach fighting techniques while helping you slim down. Below, we take a closer look at how kickboxing can help you lose weight: Cardio Everybody knows that cardiovascular exercise is an important ingredient […]