Asylum Fight League 38 Results

Last Updated on June 17, 2012.

Asylum Fight League 38 Results


190lb Bout
Collis Marques (184.2) vs. Adam Rosello (189.8)
Fight Scratched

Rosello was more than ready for his comeback fight and unfortunately the bout got scrapped. Collis was a last minute replacement, who weighed in and was approved to fight, but decided not to take the fight soon after, cancelling the bout. Look for Adam to get in the Cage at the Asylum Fight League Event in September.

168lb Bout
Stephan Regman (166.6) vs. Dominic Urso (168.8)
Regman wins via split decision in three rounds

Round 1 starts with a feeling out process.  Regman starts to unload strikes and is getting the better of the exchanges. Urso finally gets Regman to ground and stalls in Regman’s guard. Regman attempts arm bars from his back as well as strikes.  Regman wins round 1.

Round 2- Regman is forced back against the cage, defending multiple takedown attempts as Urso wants nothing to do with Regman’s standup . After a scramble, Urso winds up again in his guard. Round 2 ends back on their feet where Regman starts to land some of his effective strikes. 2nd round goes to Urso.

Round 3 – Visibly tired and hurt, Urso again wants nothing to do with Regman ‘s hands. Regman controls the center of the cage stuffing all of Urso’s takedown attempts. After landing  several jabs and power punches. Regman has Urso literary crawling on the floor in hopes of  not getting punched in the face any more, and trying desperately to pull Regman down to the mat… 3rd round ends big for Regman and bloody for Urso.

The judges scored the fight a Split decision win for Regman, which left everyone scratching their heads as to how one judge could score 2 rounds for Urso. Regman clearly won the bout and continued his wining ways!!