Stay Connected with Tiger Schulmann’s on Social Media
Tiger Schumann’s Organizational & Brand Profiles Follow our brand profiles to keep up to date with: organizational news & events, student success stories & testimonials, instructor spotlights, behind the scenes exclusive content & more! Facebook Instagram Twitter Snapchat 90 Day Challenge Join our official 90 Day Challenge Facebook Group to share progress, healthy recipes, inspiration, […]
Tiger Schulmann’s 90 Day Challenge 2017 Kick Off
The Tiger Schulmann’s 90-day challenge is not a “diet.” It’s a lifestyle that you continue to practice long after your 90-days have ended. Chances are you made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight or get more fit. 47% of Americans made themselves the same promise. 95% will fail. It is not a […]
Tiger Schulmann’s Takes on Bullying with Free Bully Shield Event
October is national Bully Prevention Month. At Tiger Schulmann’s we are committed to stopping bullying in its tracks. We are pleased to announce that over 40 Tiger Schulmann’s locations are hosting a One-Day-Only, Free Bully Shield Seminar on Saturday October 15th. This free seminar is open to the public and all children, ages 7-12 […]
Tiger Schulmann’s in Chelsea, NYC Hosts Happy Hearts Fund Kickboxing Fundraiser
NEW YORK, New York (September 24, 2015) – Sensei Lyman Good, instructor at Tiger Schulmann’s in Chelsea, NYC, teamed up with Shihan Ron Schulmann and Happy Hearts Fund’s Petra Nemcova for a kickboxing fundraiser to raise money for schools in areas impacted by natural disasters. The event, which took place on Monday, September 21, 2015, was a huge success. […]
Kickboxing Classes at Tiger Schulmann’s
Though we offer various martial arts classes here at Tiger Schulmann’s, one that has grown to be our most popular across the board is kickboxing. This discipline, which first originated in America around the 1970s, blends the techniques of various martial arts styles. Specifically, it grabs much of its inspiration from Muay Thai. As an organization that is […]
Different Types of Karate Instruction
Karate is ultimately described as a standing style of martial arts that focuses on punching, kicking, blocks and takedowns. However, being that there are multiple techniques that come along with each aspect of this discipline, several different types of karate have developed as the sport has progressed. Today, we invite you to learn more about this particular activity […]