Dedication and Consistency Key For Student Losing 60lbs

Last Updated on February 18, 2013.


By: TSMMA Hicksville

This is all due to her consistency and desire to shed weight. Emily DOES NOT MISS CLASS!

People are always looking for ways to get into better shape. Some people try the gym, others try changing their diets, in the end about 90% of the people who start something never finish it. The most common answer you get from people that start an activity or diet and quit is, they were unmotivated or simply lost interest in finishing their goals. It is sad to see how most people live life like a roller coaster. For example, Summer is on its way, nobody wants to look out of shape when its time to go to the beach. Most people go to the gym and ready themselves in order to look good, but as summer comes to and end, that is when people fall off and let go. This is usually a cycle that follows each year. This is a cycle that Emily LaGuardia beat and is still improving on.

The most common answer you get from people that start an activity or diet and quit is, they were unmotivated or simply lost interest in finishing their goals.

Emily came in to take her first kickboxing class, and like most people did not know what to expect. She stepped into the mat gave it her best and by the end of the workout was exhausted. She knew this was what she needed in order to get the results she wanted. The atmosphere, the work out itself, and the amazing motivation that the instructors poured into the class immediately made her sign up. Since then Emily has lost over 60lbs! This is all due to her consistency and desire to shed weight. Emily DOES NOT MISS CLASS! Coming in 3x a week with her mother, they both found an activity they can do together.

She not only lost a great amount of weight through kickboxing, but has learned how to properly defend herself in case she ever needs to.

She is now a High White belt who not only lost a great amount of weight through kickboxing, but has learned how to properly defend herself in case she ever needs to. Keep training hard Emily all of us here at Hicksville TSMMA are proud!