Last Updated on January 30, 2015.

My name is Romona H. Singh, 38 years old and mother of 2 TSMMA Students from Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. For two years, Jenna Serio and Sensei Levy tried to get me to try a kickboxing class, which I made all sorts of excuses. Maybe I was embarrassed since I was going to the gym repeatedly as of 2007 and my weight kept going up and up. Joshu Regman came to Bay Ridge, and started asking me every time he saw me “when are you taking class?” One day he grabbed my wrist, and said “how will you get defend this in a street situation?”
For the Mother’s Night, Joshu Regman and/or Jaime Benson Garita (dual effort) signed my name up on the list. I said let me take this stupid kickboxing class and get these people out of my hair. I did the class and I fell in love with the authentic kickboxing training, aggression and adrenaline rush instantly. Since June to October 2014, I’ve lost a total of 27 lbs (bring my weight down from 152 to 125 lbs) just training consistently about 3-5 classes per week. Without the training, encouragement and guidance of Sensei Levy, Sensei Good, Joshu Regman, Elaine Lam, Colin Tennyson, Jaime Benson-Garita, Lyndell Doulin, and Rashaad Mason (my first partner who kept pushing me for weeks on the mat as if I was training for a cage fight) I would probably still be at the gym with knees and ankles pain and stuck at 150 plus pounds. OSU!!!