Tiger Schulmann’s

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Man Finds Motivation & Inspiration Kickboxing at Tiger Schulmann’s – Loses 40lbs

Last Updated on February 19, 2014.

rani-before-afterI joined Tiger Schulmann’s Paramus in September 2012, looking for a more structured workout program than just going to the gym. 8 months later, 40 pounds lighter, I won first place in the 90-Day Challenge competition in two categories (most weight loss and most dramatic change) and couldn’t be happier. Since then I was able to maintain my weight by training regularly, taking 6 classes per week, and keeping ‘In Motion Meals’ an essential part of my daily meals plan.

Looking back at my life “before TSMMA”, my escape route would be the couch watching TV with comfort food.

Over the last few months I’ve been faced with challenging situations in my personal life, resulting in a lot of stress and the need to make some difficult decisions. Looking back at my life “before TSMMA”, my escape route would be the couch watching TV with comfort food. The level of discipline I’ve been adapted to over the last 15 months has changed all that. Going to class on a freezing Saturday morning, or at 8:30 at night after a long and stressful day was not a question or a debate anymore, it became a given, just like getting up and going to work every morning. Thinking about the times I worked out at the gym and the countless times I just gave up going only because I wasn’t motivated enough and lacked the discipline, with my Tiger Schulmann’s routine this is the complete opposite. Classes are now part of my day to day routine, part of my well being and my gateway to forgetting about everything while I am on the mat. In short, TSMMA has become my anchor of sanity!

Thinking about the times I worked out at the gym and the countless times I just gave up going only because I wasn’t motivated enough and lacked the discipline, with my Tiger Schulmann’s routine this is the complete opposite.


…as a parent, this is a priceless investment in my kids’ future, not only teaching them discipline and values, but also equipping them with the tools to face tough situations in real life

Trusting my instructor, Joshu Michael Murray, I now have my 3 boys taking classes at the Paramus school. For me as a parent, this is a priceless investment in my kids future, not only teaching them discipline and values, but also equipping them with the tools to face tough situations in real life and being able to have the right skill set to overcome any obstacle, from a potential bullying situation to a challenge in school or anything else where their mixed martial arts skills and discipline will become handy. 2 of my kids have recently took part in the Tiger Schulmann’s Challenge of Champions competition, and I couldn’t be more proud in this first milestone in their young life. I can honestly say that Tiger Schulmann’s Paramus has become a second home for us, a loving extended family.  The kids love going there and show their pride by mentioning TSMMA and their training at any opportunity when being asked about their long term goals.

Rani Globin – TSMMA Paramus School student