Last Updated on September 5, 2014.
Tony Billings is still in his mid-20’s. You would never realize it while taking one of his Princeton Kickboxing classes. His ability to motivate and teach adults many years his elder recently earned him a promotion from his own instructor.
Tiger Schulmann has rarely bestowed the title of Sensei (senior instructor) to anyone as young as Billings. The title is often given lightly in the martial arts world, but Schulmann has built his organization into the world leader by being tough in every aspect, especially when it comes to promoting his instructors.
Proven Kickboxing Instruction With 30 Year Tradition
Billings earned the title for two elite skills. His own incredible talent for Kickboxing and his ability to translate that to members of his Princeton school. Billings have proven repeatedly that he can help any adult learn to make fitness a part of their lifestyle.

There are countless reasons to train with Billings but these five are enough to convince even the most skeptical to give Kickboxing a try.
1. You are not supposed to know anything or start off in shape. The first step of any journey is always the hardest and often people do not take the step out of fear of failure. Billings has helped countless students who were so out of shape they were scared to try anything, let alone Kickboxing. His patient, yet meticulous approach helps even the most non-athletic adults master self-defense. If you take the first step you will not fail!
2. Kickboxing is a perfect physical conditioning workout. It hits all three aspects of physical fitness, muscle toning, cardiovascular conditioning and flexibility. It accomplishes that fete in a single one hour class which no other workout can boast.
3. Princeton classes are safe. Exercise can often lead to injury for the inexperienced. Billings training goes light years beyond the typical fitness trainer. His students rarely suffer even minor injuries in training. Even better his curriculum is designed to teach Kickboxing without you having to get punched or kick to learn. You will progress at the proper pace to learn effective self-defense without putting you in danger.
4. Many adults may not realize that stress is a greater health issue than obesity. Princeton Kickboxing members get an hour long mental break with to go with a great workout. By concentrating on learning technique instead of just exercising, the mind is occupied, creating an active meditation. This is a great tool for stress relief.
5. Yo-Yo dieting is great for the fitness industry. Millions of adults getting in shape only to slip back out a few months later assures a lifetime of consumers for diet pills and exercise equipment. TSMMA Princeton helps students stay in shape for life. Great results, fun classes, and learning something of value make staying consistent at TSMMA far easier than any other workout!
Call TSMMA Princeton today or register online for your FREE Trial Program to see why so many adults love Kickboxing with Sensei Tony Billings.
By: Sensei Thad Campbell