Tiger Schulmann’s

Stamford Teen 1 Year Transformation Training at Tiger Schulmann’s

Last Updated on April 15, 2014.


We heard of Philip’s Journey through Tiger Schulmann’s MMA last September, where he gained the skills and confidence to overcome bullying (read here). Now, 1 year into his training, we would like to share his continued success training at Tiger Schulmann’s.

On April 12, 2013, my son, Philip, arrived at TSMMA for the first time.  He was extremely shy, depressed, timid and weighing 280 lbs.  At that time, my son had hit rock bottom and his life was not something he wanted to wake up to the next day. Who knew that day would change his life forever?

After our initial meeting with Sensei Demetrius, and a trial class, Philip decided that TSMMA was something that he wanted to pursue.  Of course, my initial reaction was skeptical because, in the past, Philip’s insecurities have always compromised his desire to begin something new.  Not this time though!!

april 2013
April 2013

Philip began his training and instantaneously became obsessed with it. Philip’s two Mentors, Sensei and Joshu, inspired him so much that he began setting goals for himself – which is something Philip had never done!  He set goals to lose weight; to achieve his next belt; social goals and even academic goals – an indication that he was finally looking forward to the next day.

Over the past year, Philip has made many good friends at TSMMA – A new family if you will.  He was immediately accepted and even began socializing more.  The positive feedback from everyone at TSMMA was something that Philip had never experienced outside of his own home. There was no drama; no negativity; no social out casting. At TSMMA there has been nothing but friendship, support and acceptance.

april 2014
April 2014

Today, exactly one year later, Philip stands before us happy and confident.  He achieved his “weight” goal; losing almost 100 lbs!  He achieved his “belt” goal and is now sporting a solid blue belt and wears it with pride. He is doing well in school and is being accepted socially by his peers at school.

The journey of this past year has been one that I do not believe Philip will ever forget.  I do not know where my son would be today if it weren’t for Sensei, Joshu and all the wonderful people that make up the TSMMA family.  I don’t even know how to begin thanking everyone.

The only thing I can say is that I believe Philip is who he is today — a confident, healthy and happy young man — because of his TSMMA Mentors and TSMMA Family.  I believe that, together, you have ALL taken part in rescuing my son from a very dark place and gave him a new life.