Tiger Schulmann’s

Tiger Schulmann's logo with white tiger head

Weight Loss Specialist Gives Kick To Yo-Yo Dieting

Last Updated on August 25, 2014.

Your chances of weight loss the way you have always tried to accomplish it, 0.0%. Your chances of weight loss at Tiger Schulmann’s, 100%. Doylestown residents have been using Tiger Schulmann’s to achieve their weight loss goals for more than three decades. Tiger Schulmann first began teaching Kickboxing up the road in Quakertown in the early 80’s and the curriculum and nutrition program has been promoting weight loss ever since.

Now it is even closer, as a state of the art school under the direction of Master Instructor Michael Marchand is a few minutes away in Chalfont. Marchand has been an instructor at Tiger Schulmann’s for fifteen years and knows exactly how to motivate you to make the lifestyle changes you need to finally lose weight.

Chalfont Kickboxing classes promote weight loss by adding lean muscle and burning 800 or more calories in one hour.
Chalfont Kickboxing classes promote weight loss by adding lean muscle and burning 800 or more calories in one hour.


Don’t expect the Chalfont instructor to tell you weight loss will be easy. What he will do is make sure you follow through on the exercise and nutrition changes you need to make it reality.

Kickboxing Program Perfect Combo For Weight Loss

The native Long Islander is known telling it like it is. If you train consistently and make healthy eating choices you will succeed. Of course that sounds easy, but what makes it possible is the strong support you will get at TSMMA Chalfont.

Not only will Marchand help keep you having fun in every Kickboxing class, burning calories and learning self-defense, he will also be there for moral support when you need it most.

Nutrition is crucial for weight loss and Marchand's expertise is included at no charge in the Kickboxing program.
Nutrition is crucial for weight loss and Marchand’s expertise is included at no charge in the Kickboxing program.


There is nothing better than having a quick phone call when you are procrastinating about going to class! Even better his expertise in exercise and nutrition will help you better understand how to train properly and eat more healthy foods!

Sometimes it can be the smallest change that triggers the weight loss you are looking for. That’s exactly what you will find when you make the trip from Doylestown to Chalfont. Marchand’s accumulation of knowledge of 15 years will be the difference in you finally achieving the goal.

Even more importantly the fun classes will keep you motivated long after the weight is off! This means no more yo-yo dieting in your future as you stay in the best shape of your life!

Call TSMMA today and take the quick trip from Doylestown to try their FREE Trial Program. See how Kickboxing can be the weight loss remedy you have been looking for!

By: Sensei Thad Campbell