Tiger Schulmann’s in Garden City, NY

MMA Training in Tiger Schulmann's in Garden City

Here at Tiger Schulmann’s in Garden City, NY, we have a program for everyone! All of our students receive a well-rounded, self-defense skill set that they can utilize in the real world. The quality instructors at Tiger Schulmann’s in Garden City, NY teach students 4 to 60 years old. We offer practical self-defense skill training […]

Weight Loss: Losing Weight is Easy

Man Weight Loss Before and After Tiger Schulmann's program

  Let me be the first to say that this is not a success story. Sure I’ve lost some weight but I haven’t reached my goal. I have this image of myself in my head that I aspire to look like. And at this current moment I look more like him, but not like him […]

Adults: Training and Lifestyle

Two MMA fighters in a punching pose at Tiger Schulmann's Garden City

Training and Lifestyle   Sempai Inoshima & Anthony Chouloute Intense cardio can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Your workout can be an hour long, fully focused, relentless, get away to red and black matted paradise. Or, your workout can be an hour long session where you plead for mercy every minute. Your […]