Our Martial Arts Rank System and it’s Meaning
Why do we have a martial arts ranking system? I remember as a young martial arts student, I attended a school that had no ranking other than white belt and blackbelt. If you asked the instructor how long it would take to get a black belt the answer was at least five years. Although myself and a very linmited […]
Karate Program for Pre-Schoolers in Wayne NJ
Tiger Schulmann’s Karate Cubs gets pre-schoolers moving in the right direction towards developing strength and coordination. Kids who get involved in activities such as this at an early age do well developmentally. Focus and balance are two of the biggest areas of concern for kids in this program. Not to mention 3 and 4 year […]
Hyper Activity, ADHD, How Schools are Harming Our Sons and MMA Can Help!
When My son entered the school system I was broached with the topic that I should have him tested for ADHD. It was explained to me that he fidgeted, that he hummed, and that while he could complete all of his work and was exceptionally bright he had problems focusing. As a mother […]
Learn Self Discipline Through Karate Classes
Self Discipline is the Key to Success We know that to be successful in today’s day and age you need to be a very disciplined person. It’s important to instill this life skill into the youth of our generation so that they can apply it to every day needs. However we cannot ask a child […]