Kickboxing is the best way to get in shape, I will prove it

Adults kickboxing Training with punching bags at Tiger Schulmann's gym

Everyone is looking for the “Magic Pill” to being in shape and losing weight. I’m telling you that it exists in Westchester New York. It’s Tiger Schulmann’s Kickboxing. Kickboxing burns at least 800 calories an hour. Just one reason of many it’s a better option than the gym. Imagine everything accomplished in one hour.Kickboxing should […]

Kickboxing Into Shape With Mixed Martial Arts Champion

MMA fighter Burgos shouting victoriously

Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts is a guaranteed way to boost your workout’s intensity. Why walk on a boring treadmill for an hour when you can actually enjoy your workout. Learn Self-Defense and get in amazing shape! For Newburgh residents you can not only get a great workout but learn the most effective self-defense on […]

Authentic Kickboxing not just Cardio Kickboxing – Learn the real thing

Adults martial arts Training with instructor at Tiger Schulmann's Wayne

At Tiger Schulmann’s you will learn more in one class than you’ll get from months of cardio kickboxing classes.  New kickboxing places are popping up all over the area and trying to lure you in with big names and boxing rings.  But what are these cardio kickboxing classes actually teaching you?  NOTHING!  They are just […]

Train like a fighter in Mixed Martial Arts

Tiger Schulmann's Martial Arts fighter Flexing in front of Bellator banner

  Train  like a professional fighter at Tiger Schulmann’s MMA Have you ever noticed the physical condition that Mixed Martial Arts fighters are in when they enter the ring? Mixed Martial Arts or “MMA” is the fastest growing sport in the country.  In order to be a top competitor a fighter must train not only […]

Try Kickboxing for a positive change in lifestyle

Women fighters Kicking Bags at Tiger Schulmann's East Brunswick

Most adults lead a sedentary lifestyle these days. We tend to spend much of our lives sitting down. Once we get out of bed in the morning we get in our cars and we are off to work. Some people commute further than others either by train or bus. Whether you commute by car, train […]

Kickboxing With A Willow Grove Professional

Kickboxing class for adults with punching bags and instructor monitoring the training

James Garzillo has been an institution in teaching kickboxing in Willow Grove. He was hand picked by Tiger Schulmann to become the head instructor at TSMMA Willow Grove in 2003. It’s nearing the 11 year mark and the accolades the 33 year old has amassed are impressive. When he originally came to Willow Grove the […]