Star Lord Building His Focus In Martial Arts

Getting a nickname is a privilege at TSMMA Feasterville. First you have to train hard. You have to demonstrate focus in every class. Then you have to do it for a long time. And finally you have to do something that makes a nickname appropriate. For Aidan Judge it was his combination of athletic ability, […]
Courage From Karate Overcomes Mountains

Our 6 year old daughter Zoe started taking classes at Tiger Schulmanns Karate about 8 months ago. Zoe has always been very small for her age and only weighed a little over 3 pounds when she was born. Most people including kids her own age think she is younger than she actually is. They make […]
Karate-The Most Important back to School Supply

It’s that time again, summer is over and back to the norm. It’s back to school time and the shopping list is coming out. I’m sure pens, pencils, notebooks and many other items are on the list. Just one question, is karate on that list? I know that might seem silly to you […]
Benefits Of Karate Taught With an MMA twist

It is a scene that has been playing itself out since John Evensen joined Tiger Schulmann’s Karate more than twenty years ago. A young parent brings their child to karate because they don’t know what to do. Sensei John Evensen hears about a lack of concentration and attention span and how it hurts the child […]
See how Karate helped this girl in school

Of all the back to school supplies needed this fall, karate may be the most important. With the summer coming to a close you can here both the moaning of kids and the cheers of parents as we all prepare for back to school. I know at my house there are mixed emotions. Sadness that […]