Tiger Schulmann’s In Seaford, New York

A woman kicking a bag in Tiger Schulmann's in Seaford

Just about one year ago, we introduced the Tiger Schulmann’s name to Seaford, New York. Though it’s one of our newest locations, we are pleased to say that it is already thriving, attracting a population of students that range in age from 4-65 years old. To date, our most popular classes are kickboxing. In addition to kickboxing, we […]

Merrick Man Loses 40 Pounds Kickboxing

Man with Shades and white shirt at Tiger Schulmann's Seaford

Kickboxing was the answer for a Merrick man.  The struggles of weight loss can be hard for the everyday person, if they don’t choose the right place to exercise and workout.  Things came easy for him because he found the right place to workout, the right routine for the goals he wanted, and the right […]