Tiger Schulmann’s in New Dorp, New York

Children martial art fighters posing with medals with Sensei

Located at 363 New Dorp Lane, Tiger Schulmann’s in New Dorp, New York is one of two top-notch martial arts schools in Staten Island. The other? Our location in Tottenville, New York of course! But today, we’re going to focus solely on our New Dorp school. In business for 20 years, we specialize in kickboxing and […]

Tiger Schulmann’s Location Overview

A man and woman with a boy and a girl in Tiger Schulmann's gear posing and smiling

As an organization that exists to provide only the best quality martial arts instruction there is to students of all ages, we at Tiger Schulmann’s have made it a priority to make ourselves accessible in various geographical regions. Currently located throughout the East Coast, our training facilities are designed for both children and adults, exhibiting an environment that is comfortable, practical and […]

Safety Tips For Martial Arts Students

A Girl in Tiger Schulmann's gear Punching a red punching bag

Just like any other sport or activity, martial arts requires the need to pay attention to safety. For both students and instructors, it is extremely important to be proactive about safety in any setting where martial arts is practiced, as it can be very easy to acquire an injury due to the types of techniques that are taught […]

Tiger Schulmann’s in Huntington, NY Donates School Supplies to Children in Need

A man in a suit and a MMA fighter posing in front of donated supplies

Tiger Schulmann’s in Huntington, NY is being recognized for collecting a large amount of school supplies for homeless children. Thanks to the students’ and staff’s efforts, some of the neediest kids in the area will be able to start the school year out right. Our Huntington, NY location donated the supplies to a drive organized by the […]

Tiger Schulmann’s in Yonkers, NY

Two little girls in karate stance with belts

The instructors at Tiger Schulmann’s in Yonkers, NY have been teaching kickboxing and grappling to students ages 3 to 72 since 1989. In that time, we’ve watched countless kids and adults earn their black belt — an amazing, inspiring experience to say the least! Sensei Peter Tirelli and the rest of the staff at our Yonkers location […]

Kickboxing Classes at Tiger Schulmann’s

MMA fighter in white kicking a punching bag at Tiger Schulmann's

Though we offer various martial arts classes here at Tiger Schulmann’s, one that has grown to be our most popular across the board is kickboxing. This discipline, which first originated in America around the 1970s, blends the techniques of various martial arts styles. Specifically, it grabs much of its inspiration from Muay Thai. As an organization that is […]