TSMMA Eatontown Student Gains Numerous Benefits Training MMA

TSMMA Eatontown Student Gains Numerous Benefits Training MMA BY: TSMMA Eatontown My job occasionally takes me to some rather unsavory neighborhoods but I have been lucky to have had very few incidents over a 34 year career.  Two years ago I was in one of those bad neighborhoods – behind the Port authority bus terminal […]

Having the Right Mindset to Achieve Your Goals – By Sensei Sean Nolan

Tiger Schulmann's Martial Arts instructor Sean Nolan

Having the Right Mindset to Achieve Your Goals BY: Sensei Sean Nolan – TSMMA Midwood As an instructor, I’ve been lucky enough to work with nearly two thousand students of all ages, from 5 to 70.  That’s a huge disparity in age, but I break all students down into two categories regardless. There are TALKERS […]

Grandfather Loses 75lbs Kickboxing at TSMMA Smithtown

Grandfather Loses 75lbs Kickboxing at TSMMA Smithtown By: TSMMA Smithtown Today, September 10, 2012, is the one year anniversary of my joining Tiger Schulmann of Smithtown.  It has been one of the most physically changeling yet fulfilling years in the last twenty for me.  At the age of thirty five I was told I needed […]

TSMMA Bay Ridge Student Success Story

TSMMA Bay Ridge Student Success Story BY: TSMMA Bay Ridge I was always an athletic, outgoing, and disciplined girl.  I started dancing at age 2, and doing musical theater at 5, and all kinds of  sports quickly followed. When I was 15-years-old, my active lifestyle quickly  and surprisingly had to change. It started one day […]

Dana White on How MMA can Stop Bullies and Muggers

Dana White on How MMA can Stop Bullies and Muggers By : http://www.cbc.ca/strombo/sports-2/dana-white-on-how-mma-can-stop-bullies-and-muggers.html Teaching kids mixed martial arts DW: Listen, what people don’t realize, and a lot of people are uneducated about Mixed Martial Arts and what it really is – when you and I were growing up, your parents would put you in karate […]