Progression is the Key to Success in the Martial Arts World

A Woman gets Blue Belt promotion from instructor with others watching

  Whether you are looking to work out your basic gym or you decide to venture into a dojo of some kind for your workout there is one key element which keeps people consistent. Everybody has different schedules and different goals when they decide to start a fitness regiment, and each school has a different […]

Vails Gate Students Inspired By Kickboxing

Men practicing Punching at Tiger Schulmann's gym

There are several exercise routines available to the public and many people take advantage of the propaganda that they see on infomercials and via social media. Although few individuals may achieve results, a majority of people end up quitting after a while due to a plateau in their exercise program because they are no longer […]

Wedding Day Workout: Effective Exercise Through Kickboxing

Wedding Couple with Black Tiger Schulmann's Gloves outdoors

So, you’ve popped the question, and she said “yes!” The hard part is over now, right? The excitement of planning a wedding may not impact your stress level since she will decide the flowers, DJ, and color scheme. But then you go to the tuxedo fitting and realize that perhaps you could’ve spent more time […]

Army Wives of West Point, NY Maintain Fitness Through Kickboxing

Three Woman Punching Collage at Tiger Schulmann's

The bank of the Hudson River holds rich history of vast gray granite buildings and monuments that adorn the beautifully landscaped central area of West Point, NY. The federal military reservation is one of the most recognized national landmarks in Orange County, NY, and home to the noblest of  military personnel and their families. Soldiers […]

West Point, NY Family Fights Against Bullying

Girl Smiling wearing Tiger Schulmann's shirt

On the playground at most schools, there is an abundance of children fighting for a spot on the swings, first down the slide, or who was called out in a game of tag. Most school officials are used to the occasional bickering over objects such as playground balls and jump ropes. Most may even pass […]

Single Parent Families Learn Self-Discipline Through Kickboxing

A woman with a girl and a boy Smiling with blue wall behing

In the lobby of Tiger Schulmann’s Mixed Martial Arts (TSMMA) at Vails Gate, NY, a large group of parents look on as their children complete the remainder of kickboxing class. Jewel Alvarado begins gathering bags and gear from the cubby beneath her as she hurries her kids out the door. Homework, school activities, dinner and […]