
Tiger Schulmann’s in East Brunswick, NJ

The staff at Tiger Schulmann’s in East Brunswick, NJ has been committed to transforming lives for 23 years. Every time we watch a student — especially a child — gain confidence, we feel a great sense of achievement. Our students learn to be successful in any endeavor, not just mixed martial arts. “Empowering my students with the […]

Kickboxing your way to a Summer Body in East Brunswick

A woman punching a bag at Middle Village

Kickboxing Here Will Get You in the Best shape of Your Life! Everyone wants to look great in their bathing suit or bikini. Most people have to work at it. Kickboxing with us is just the ticket.You don’t have to be in great shape to kickbox. In fact, it is just the opposite. Students come […]

Our Martial Arts Rank System and it’s Meaning

Tiger Schulmann's Martial Arts Belt Rankings and colors

 Why do we have a martial arts ranking system? I remember as a young martial arts student, I attended a school that had no ranking other than white belt and blackbelt. If you asked the instructor how long it would take to get a black belt the answer was at least five years. Although myself and a very linmited […]

Don’t torture yourself. Try KICKBOXING Instead!

Tiger Schulmann's program with a man and a woman with abs

Our Kickboxing Classes are not torture! Only one out of ten people in America exercise regularly. Are one out of ten? Many people don’t exercise because they believe that in order to make “real” gains, the exercise has to be torture. The truth is, you can have an amazing, athletic body and have a great […]

We Teach Real Kickboxing at TSMMA!

Tiger Schulmann's program with a man and a woman with abs

If You Are Kickboxing, Make it REAL! All of the sudden there are many gyms out there that are offering kickboxing classes. or so they say! Most of these gyms are doing what we call cardiokickboxing. The instructors are people that take a weekend course and then say they are certified to teach kickboxing. There […]

Kickboxing alone can’t beat a bad diet!

90 Day Challenge Tiger Schulmann's program with a man and a woman with abs

TIGER SCHULMANN’S 90 DAY CHALLENGE    Tiger Schulmann’s teaches an authentic kickboxing program that will get you in the best shape of your life. Not only are you getting an unequalled exercise program, you are learning a real self-defense system while you are exercising. Unfortunately, most people believe that if you exercise a couple of […]