Star Lord Building His Focus In Martial Arts

White Belter Boy Collage with his instructor at Tiger Schulmann's

Getting a nickname is a privilege at TSMMA Feasterville. First you have to train hard. You have to demonstrate focus in every class. Then you have to do it for a long time.  And finally you have to do something that makes a nickname appropriate. For Aidan Judge it was his combination of athletic ability, […]

Courage From Karate Overcomes Mountains

Little Girl Climber Thumbs Up rotated clockwise

  Our 6 year old daughter Zoe started taking classes at Tiger Schulmanns Karate about 8 months ago. Zoe has always been very small for her age and only weighed a little over 3 pounds when she was born. Most people including kids her own age think she is younger than she actually is. They make […]