Why Martial Arts Classes Are Superior to Normal Fitness Routines
Everyone wants to get in shape. Losing weight and getting fit are the two most common New Year’s Resolutions – and it’s not surprising considering rising obesity rates in the United States. While the first step in most people’s plan is to adopt a fitness routine – getting a gym membership or downloading the latest […]
Wayne Martial Arts Students Excel in Competition
Students of Tiger Schulmann’s Mixed Martial Arts in Wayne had a very successful outing at the Challenge of Champions this past weekend. Twice a year, every June and December the mats are rolled out and the competition begins. Throughout the entire day, children as young as 5 and adults well into their 40’s and 50’s […]
Successful Martial Arts Gyms Cater to all People
The key to a successful martial arts gym is being able to decipher between two groups of people, the fighters and the common people. Now the strong majority of people who inquire or sign up at a martial arts gym (nowadays usually boxing or mixed martial arts gym) are not looking to compete in any […]