Can Martial Arts Classes Improve Your Cardiovascular System?

Adult kickboxing workout in TSMA Syosset gym

There’s no way around it – if you want to be in great shape, you need a healthy heart. That means finding a workout that gets your heart pumping. Studies have shown that only around 23% of adults in the United States hit the American Heart Association recommended guideline of at least 150 minutes of […]

Why Martial Arts Classes Are Superior to Normal Fitness Routines

A woman practices punching with her martial arts instructor at Tiger Schulmann's gym

Everyone wants to get in shape. Losing weight and getting fit are the two most common New Year’s Resolutions – and it’s not surprising considering rising obesity rates in the United States. While the first step in most people’s plan is to adopt a fitness routine – getting a gym membership or downloading the latest […]

Fitness Instruction Not Found At Typical Gym

Girl kickboxer kicking a punching bag at Tiger Schulmann's gym

Sensei Paul Querido is an institution in North Plainfield. He has been teaching Kickboxing and more importantly helping adults to a lifestyle of fitness for more than two decades. As American’s get more obese and the byproducts of an unhealthy lifestyle become more common, Querido’s students stand out as a beacon to what Kickboxing classes […]

Tiger Schulmann’s in Ramsey, NJ

Men and women in white gym outfits training in Tiger Schulmann's in Ramsey

For 31 years, Tiger Schulmann’s in Ramsey, NJ has empowered students of all ages to achieve their goals. Our highly-trained instructors are prepared to teach every skill set – from beginner to black belt. We specialize in beginner, intermediate and advanced kickboxing and close-range defense classes. Tiger Schulmann’s Ramsey, NJ location is not only a […]

Featured Testimonials & Reviews

Stars Checkbox with green marker

In Tiger Schulmann’s 30-year history, we’ve helped more than 200,000 students — both kids and adults — reach their goals. We’ve spoken at great length about the joy we feel every time we watch a student become more confident or an adult achieve a higher level of fitness. Today, however, we’d like you to hear […]

An Overview of Our YouTube Videos

Youtube logo on smart Phone's screen

Did you know that Tiger Schulmann’s is on YouTube? We love sharing videos of everything from big matches to our latest commercials. Below, we take a closer look at some of our top videos: The Gymternative Workout If ‘gymternative’ isn’t a word, it should be. Millions of people are looking for an alternative to boring […]