Part 3: A Physical Conditioning Program Must Include…

Team Stretching before training at Tiger Schulmann's Wayne

The three aspects of any effective physical conditioning program are Cardio, Strength Training, and Flexibility. At the end of any workout that gets your heart rate up, builds muscle and gets you sweating, be sure to include Flexibility Training.  Building muscles stronger without stretching them will cause them to become stronger, but shorter in length, […]

Improve Your Kickboxing Training and Technique

Man fighter Punching a red bag at Tiger Schulmann's Smithtown

Fine Tuning Your Kickboxing Training and Technique It’s a rare occurrence, but have you ever gotten bored with your kickboxing training and workout? It can happen when you think you’ve hit a plateau. But there’s a way out of a kickboxing training rut and you might have already seen it on your way to work […]

Any Effective Physical Conditioning Program Must Include…

Team Training with puching bags on the red flor at Tiger Schulmann's Wayne

How to get in Shape: Physical Conditioning Part 1 Any effective physical conditioning program has three parts; muscular development, cardiovascular exercise, and flexibility.  A complete workout will not only allow you to create that overall feeling of fitness, but also help you stay healthy and injury free. Strength and flexibility work together to keep your […]

The Benefits of Martial Arts

Adults and kids practicing punching at Tiger Schulmann's East Brunswick

Benefits of Martial Arts If you are looking for a great way to improve your health in East Brunswick, NJ look no further than Tiger Schulmann. One of the great benefits of martial arts is that it is an exercise program you can stick with. Everyone knows the importance of exercise and proper nutrition so why […]

Kickboxing and Imagination – The Best Stress Relief

Woman Kicking practice bag at Tiger Schulmann's

Kickboxing and Imagination – The Best Stress Relief Think back to when you were a kid — when you had limitless energy, an active imagination, and the infinite potential of a lifetime in front of you. Now think about your kickboxing workout and your health. What would the younger version of you think about the […]

Wedding Day Workout: Effective Exercise Through Kickboxing

Wedding Couple with Black Tiger Schulmann's Gloves outdoors

So, you’ve popped the question, and she said “yes!” The hard part is over now, right? The excitement of planning a wedding may not impact your stress level since she will decide the flowers, DJ, and color scheme. But then you go to the tuxedo fitting and realize that perhaps you could’ve spent more time […]