
Learn Proper Health and Fitness Through Martial Arts – Part 1

Junk Food snacks and sodas vs Healthy Food fruits and vegetables

Proper Health = What You Eat, What You Drink, What You Do, and What You Think When the New Year comes around, most people have the same New Year’s Resolution, which is to “lose weight and get in shape.” The first thing they do is either join a gym, start some fad diet, or look […]

Part 3: A Physical Conditioning Program Must Include…

Team Stretching before training at Tiger Schulmann's Wayne

The three aspects of any effective physical conditioning program are Cardio, Strength Training, and Flexibility. At the end of any workout that gets your heart rate up, builds muscle and gets you sweating, be sure to include Flexibility Training.  Building muscles stronger without stretching them will cause them to become stronger, but shorter in length, […]

Any Effective Physical Conditioning Program Must Have…

Adult team kickboxing training with punching bags at Tiger Schulmann's

Physical Conditioning Part 2: Cardiovascular Conditioning Any effective physical conditioning program must include three parts. strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, and flexibility. Cardiovascular Conditioning builds your body’s engine, your heart and lungs.  By increasing your heart and lungs you will increase your energy levels and burn lots of calories. The type of cardiovascular conditioning done in […]

Any Effective Physical Conditioning Program Must Include…

Team Training with puching bags on the red flor at Tiger Schulmann's Wayne

How to get in Shape: Physical Conditioning Part 1 Any effective physical conditioning program has three parts; muscular development, cardiovascular exercise, and flexibility.  A complete workout will not only allow you to create that overall feeling of fitness, but also help you stay healthy and injury free. Strength and flexibility work together to keep your […]

Kickboxing is the best way to get in shape, I will prove it

Adults kickboxing Training with punching bags at Tiger Schulmann's gym

Everyone is looking for the “Magic Pill” to being in shape and losing weight. I’m telling you that it exists in Westchester New York. It’s Tiger Schulmann’s Kickboxing. Kickboxing burns at least 800 calories an hour. Just one reason of many it’s a better option than the gym. Imagine everything accomplished in one hour.Kickboxing should […]

Get amazing results doing Kickboxing day and evening classes

Adults team Training with punching bags at Tiger Schulmann's Stamford

Everyone is always looking online for that magical secret to loose weight and get in amazing shape. The Secret is putting the time into an amazing Kickboxing program and hard work! This is exactly what our Beginner Kickboxing Day and Evening Classes are all about.  Where else can you get in amazing physical conditioning and […]