Who is teaching your child martial arts?
Tiger Schulmann’s =Quality Martial Arts Instruction In this day and age, it is important to know the credentials of the instructors your children interact with. If you follow the news, there is always controversy going on with coaches and other mentors of children. Since many activities are art forms it is impossible to regulate who […]
Our children’s martial arts program will lead to SUCCESS!
Martial Arts: More than Kicking and Punching! In the martial arts, naturally all students learn moves that they can use to defend themselves. While this is an import aspect of what a martial arts program is about, it should not be the only thing. At Tiger Schulmann’s we give students more. Woven into the fabric […]
This is the place to go for Real Self-Defense
We are not a “Paper Tiger” The definition of a “paper tiger” is something that appears to be threatening but is actually ineffectual. Unfortunately, most of the martial arts schools in this area are just that. They spend a lot of time on antiquated techniques that have some exercise value but do little to prepare […]
Train like a fighter in Mixed Martial Arts
Train like a professional fighter at Tiger Schulmann’s MMA Have you ever noticed the physical condition that Mixed Martial Arts fighters are in when they enter the ring? Mixed Martial Arts or “MMA” is the fastest growing sport in the country. In order to be a top competitor a fighter must train not only […]
Our Karate program Benefits Children in Many Ways
Every parents dream is for their children to do well in all endeavors. When a child reaches school age, we as parents, would like to see our children thrive. In schools today their are many distractions that can hinder a childs ability to learn. Each year children are exposed to a new curriculum and new […]
Try Kickboxing for a positive change in lifestyle
Most adults lead a sedentary lifestyle these days. We tend to spend much of our lives sitting down. Once we get out of bed in the morning we get in our cars and we are off to work. Some people commute further than others either by train or bus. Whether you commute by car, train […]