Can Martial Arts Classes Improve Your Cardiovascular System?

Adult kickboxing workout in TSMA Syosset gym

There’s no way around it – if you want to be in great shape, you need a healthy heart. That means finding a workout that gets your heart pumping. Studies have shown that only around 23% of adults in the United States hit the American Heart Association recommended guideline of at least 150 minutes of […]

Any Effective Physical Conditioning Program Must Have…

Adult team kickboxing training with punching bags at Tiger Schulmann's

Physical Conditioning Part 2: Cardiovascular Conditioning Any effective physical conditioning program must include three parts. strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, and flexibility. Cardiovascular Conditioning builds your body’s engine, your heart and lungs.  By increasing your heart and lungs you will increase your energy levels and burn lots of calories. The type of cardiovascular conditioning done in […]

Any Effective Physical Conditioning Program Must Include…

Team Training with puching bags on the red flor at Tiger Schulmann's Wayne

How to get in Shape: Physical Conditioning Part 1 Any effective physical conditioning program has three parts; muscular development, cardiovascular exercise, and flexibility.  A complete workout will not only allow you to create that overall feeling of fitness, but also help you stay healthy and injury free. Strength and flexibility work together to keep your […]

Weight Loss Industry Counting On Yo-Yo Diets

Woman Punching a red bag at Tiger Schulmann's Ramsey

According to a 20/20 News Internet report more than 100 million Americans are becoming addicted to weight loss. In fact the report estimated they spend somewhere in the neighborhood of $20 billion dollars every year on the habit. How can weight loss be a habit? It’s the endless procession of Yo-Yo dieting some nutritionist feel […]

Pick The Perfect Kickboxing Instructor

Tiger Schulmann's Adult and kids Fighters on the Beach

Tony Billings is still in his mid-20’s.  You would never realize it while taking one of his Princeton Kickboxing classes. His ability to motivate and teach adults many years his elder recently earned him a promotion from his own instructor. Tiger Schulmann has rarely bestowed the title of Sensei (senior instructor) to anyone as young […]

Kickboxing KO’s Spinning In War Of Workouts

Three Men Using Stationary Bicycle at Tiger Schulmann's with a mirror behind

We all know the trends. From Tae Bo to Pilates, Cross Fit to Spinning, fitness fads pop up all the time. Some of them stand the test of time, but few if any survive as the workout du jour. For Midwood adults there is one workout that has survived all the trends though, Kickboxing. Sensei […]