Prevent Disease and Physical Ailments With Kickboxing
Stop It Before It Happens There’s many clichés & sayings people hear but also too often don’t necessarily heed. “Better safe than sorry” comes to mind. This saying shouldn’t be relegated to working with tools in the garage or moving furniture. What about your own body? The machine you need to operate every […]
Change Your Life With Kickboxing!
Every year everyone has the same goals. To get in better shape, everyone as they get older needs to make their lives better some way or another. We know we need to lose a few pounds, stop eating fast food or making poor food choices or increase our energy levels to be […]
Kickboxing Helps Overcome The Pain Of Addiction
At some point in your life, you have experienced pain. Whether it be physical or emotional, pain is something that no one escapes. It can be caused by physical injury or emotional stressors. It may be temporary or chronic in nature. It can be sharp, achy or dull. It can be so excruciating that our […]
Our Martial Arts Rank System and it’s Meaning
Why do we have a martial arts ranking system? I remember as a young martial arts student, I attended a school that had no ranking other than white belt and blackbelt. If you asked the instructor how long it would take to get a black belt the answer was at least five years. Although myself and a very linmited […]
Free Womansafe Seminar On Friday March 20th 2015
I bet that woman never thought she would ever be attacked, especially in the safety of her own home. One out of three woman are at one time in their attacked or sexually assaulted. That’s insane! When I speak to potential students about training their response is “oh I don’t need to know how […]
We Teach Real Kickboxing at TSMMA!
If You Are Kickboxing, Make it REAL! All of the sudden there are many gyms out there that are offering kickboxing classes. or so they say! Most of these gyms are doing what we call cardiokickboxing. The instructors are people that take a weekend course and then say they are certified to teach kickboxing. There […]