Level 3 of bullying – Bully starts physical violence

Kids kickboxing Training at Tiger Schulmann's

“A Bully is neither brave or strong unless we give him our strength. By not standing up to a bully you empower them. You give them all the power and they feel they can do anything to you they want. This is very dangerous. Please join us on Saturday October 18th at 1 pm at Tiger […]

Mixed Martial Arts Benefits Individuals With Asperger’s

Boy Fighters brothers Six Years Later Collage

My twins have been students at Tiger Schulmann’s Mixed Martial Arts for six years.  They have done very well under the guidance and care of Sensei Montes and his staff.  When I see two strong young men standing at attention, following instructions, and executing their moves with power and discipline, my pride is only eclipsed […]

Improve Your Kickboxing Training and Technique

Man fighter Punching a red bag at Tiger Schulmann's Smithtown

Fine Tuning Your Kickboxing Training and Technique It’s a rare occurrence, but have you ever gotten bored with your kickboxing training and workout? It can happen when you think you’ve hit a plateau. But there’s a way out of a kickboxing training rut and you might have already seen it on your way to work […]

Benefits of Martial Arts: Stress Relief

Tiger Schulmann's girl fighter with Challenge of Champions 1st Place trophy

Tiger Schulmann’s – The Best Stress Relief For Students  By Eesha Desai Constant preparation for tests, quizzes, projects and presentations plagues the daily lives of teens with constant stress and anxiety. One would think that weekends and vacations give the students a good break from the pressures of school.  However, even what is suppose to […]

Level 2 of Bullying – Bully pushes the limit

Bully Shield Banner with a frowning boy bully in white shirt

A Bully gets stronger every time you don’t stand up to him. The Tiger Schulmann’s “Bully Shield” seminar teaches the three levels of bullying and the importance of stopping it as soon as possible. Please join us on Saturday October 18th at 1 pm at Tiger Schulmann’s MMA in Mount Kisco To learn how to […]

Anti-Bullying in School: What Every Parent Should Know

Adults and children sitting on the gym floor with punching bags at Tiger Schulmann's

Tiger Schulmann’s Bully Shield Program will be held Saturday October 18 @ 12:00pm Now that “back to school” has arrived, so has many new other things!  New clothes, supplies, teachers and friends. New activities and new bullies. It is the law in New Jersey that every school offers some type of anti-bully program. This is […]