Karate Training Gets Modern Makeover
![Two boys karate sparring at Tiger Schulmann's gym](https://tsk.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/karate1-1-1024x682.jpg)
Imagine for a second you calculated math problems on an abacus. Sought out an atlas for directions. If you wanted to call your neighbor you walked outside and shouted as loud as you could! Those were the realities in the 1500’s when Karate’s originated in Okinawa. Nowaday’s you can perform the first three activities right […]
Woman Overcomes Arthritis Training Martial Arts
![Empty Chairs in a room with blue walls and posters at Tiger Schulmann's](https://tsk.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/feasterville-3-1.jpg)
At 45 I was diagnosed with a degenerative joint disease ( Osteoarthritis). Arthritis affects your joints by the time stiffness and pain occur, you are already in the advance stages. Sudden catching or giving way of joints is common. Worn hip and knee joints may become painful even to stand on. It’s a disease that does not go away; […]
Merrick Man Loses 40 Pounds Kickboxing
![Man with Shades and white shirt at Tiger Schulmann's Seaford](https://tsk.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/photo-1-1-577x1024.png)
Kickboxing was the answer for a Merrick man. The struggles of weight loss can be hard for the everyday person, if they don’t choose the right place to exercise and workout. Things came easy for him because he found the right place to workout, the right routine for the goals he wanted, and the right […]
Benefits Of Karate Taught With an MMA twist
![Kids Kneeling on the Floor with their parents sitting behind at Tiger Schulmann's](https://tsk.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/red-bank-3-1.jpg)
It is a scene that has been playing itself out since John Evensen joined Tiger Schulmann’s Karate more than twenty years ago. A young parent brings their child to karate because they don’t know what to do. Sensei John Evensen hears about a lack of concentration and attention span and how it hurts the child […]
Karate Passion Goes Back To Age Five
![Children at karate Training with instructor at Tiger Schulmann's Syosset](https://tsk.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/syosset-2.jpg)
Nick Gravina was five years old when he began training in Kyokushin Karate. As a youngster embracing Karate’s most assertive style he was fortunate to look up to a prodigy in the art. Tiger Schulmann was a few years older than Gravina and was busy cementing his legacy as the most talented Karate fighter the […]
See how Karate helped this girl in school
![Girl fighter and her instructor Posing in Front of TSMA Logo](https://tsk.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Samantha-G.-High-White-1-685x1024.jpg)
Of all the back to school supplies needed this fall, karate may be the most important. With the summer coming to a close you can here both the moaning of kids and the cheers of parents as we all prepare for back to school. I know at my house there are mixed emotions. Sadness that […]