Karate Classes For New Generation

Kids Kneeling on the Floor during karate workout with two instructors at Tiger Schulmann's gym

Sensei Nissim Levy grew up with Tiger Schulmann. A close relative of the martial arts icon, Levy began attending karate classes at an early age. A year spent living with his cousin as a teenager showed the young Levy the passion and dedication it took for Schulmann to build the worlds largest and most successful […]

Karate Passion Goes Back To Age Five

Children at karate Training with instructor at Tiger Schulmann's Syosset

Nick Gravina was five years old when he began training in Kyokushin Karate. As a youngster embracing Karate’s most assertive style he was fortunate to look up to a prodigy in the art. Tiger Schulmann was a few years older than Gravina and was busy cementing his legacy as the most talented Karate fighter the […]

The Best Activity for Preschoolers is Karate in Wayne NJ

Kids Kneeling on the Floor and listening to instructor at Tiger Schulmann's Wayne

Most people aren’t sure what age is right to get their children involved in karate.  How young is too young?  At Tiger Schulmann’s Mixed Martial Arts, where karate has been the only thing being taught for over 30 years, the answer is simple.  3 and 4 years old, is the perfect age to start this preschool activity! Preschool […]

This is the place to go for Real Self-Defense

Teens Kicking Bags at Tiger Schulmann's East Brunswick

We are not a “Paper Tiger” The definition of a “paper tiger” is something that appears to be threatening but is actually ineffectual. Unfortunately, most of the martial arts schools in this area are just that. They spend a lot of time on antiquated techniques that have some exercise value but do little to prepare […]

Our Karate program Benefits Children in Many Ways

Children Lined Up at karate practice at Tiger Schulmann's East Brunswick

Every parents dream is for their children to do well in all endeavors. When a child reaches school age, we as parents, would like to see our children thrive. In schools today their are many distractions that can hinder a childs ability to learn. Each year children are exposed to a new curriculum and new […]

Bethlehem Karate Expert Changes With Times

Children standing on karate class at Tiger Schulmann's Martial Arts gym

To Everything There Is A Season! Whether you are listening The Byrds hit 1965 song or reading from Ecclesiastes there has never been a truer statement. Simply look what your kids are playing with these days compared to when you were a child. The world of martial arts is no different as the Karate we […]