How To Handle Bullies During The Back-­To-­School Season

Two Boys on Punching Pose wearing Tiger Schulmann's apparel

Although it may feel like summer just started, the truth of the matter is that it is officially the back-­to-­school season. That means it’s time to place our focus on bullying and go over various tactics that students can use if they encounter a bully during their time in the classroom, on the playground or in any other […]

Back To School Supply All Kids Need is Confidence

It’s back to school for all kids!  What is the most important school supply that kids need for the new school year?  That would be confidence!  A child who knows how to defend themselves carry themselves in a confident manner, and others will sense that! Your child will not be a target to this year’s […]

Karate-The Most Important back to School Supply

A Boy practicing punching with instructor and other students behind at Tiger Schulmann's

    It’s that time again, summer is over and back to the norm.  It’s back to school time and the shopping list is coming out.  I’m sure pens, pencils, notebooks and many other items are on the list.  Just one question, is karate on that list?  I know that might seem silly to you […]

The Key to Bullying Prevention is Confidence

Tiger Schulmann's Martial Arts ad with Bullying Boys

A study conducted by news giant CNN cited the 95% of high school students are somehow involved in bullying.  Most being bullied and some actually bullying others; 80% being bullied and 15% bullies.  Bullying Prevention is our goal. Tiger Schulmann’s Mixed Martial Arts has been helping students become part of the other 5% for more […]

See how Karate helped this girl in school

Girl fighter and her instructor Posing in Front of TSMA Logo

Of all the back to school supplies needed this fall, karate may be the most important. With the summer coming to a close you can here both the moaning of kids and the cheers of parents as we all prepare for back to school. I know at my house there are mixed emotions. Sadness that […]