
How to Beat The Winter Blues With Kickboxing

Beat the Winter Blues in blue and black letters

The holidays are over and there is a new year upon us. While many are thankful to have gotten through the holidays and get there lives back to a normal routine, many are having that letdown feeling – commonly known as “The Winter Blues”. Although that down in the dumps feeling can hit you any […]

New Year, New YOU: Kickboxing Your Way To A Healthier Lifestyle

Tiger Schulmann's Martial Arts Adults Kickboxing ad with fitness facts

At the stroke of midnight on January 1st, millions of people are suddenly accountable for the neverending list of resolutions they promised themselves during the holidays a week earlier. Most of them are weight loss ambitions, most likely made while consuming large amounts of cookies and eggnog during the holiday work party. “I’ll start after […]

Tips To Stay In Shape This Holiday Season

What's the Plan on a pinned down note

Want to beat Stress, Try Kickboxing!  The Holiday’s are upon us, whether we like it or not. The Season of gift giving, partying with friends and family, and indulgence of all kinds. With all this food and fun, its no wonder that most American gains 3 – 5 lbs. in this short 5 week span. […]

Resolution Comes Early This Year

Woman kickboxer practicing kicking with other fighters at Tiger Schulmann's gym

Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today? It is actually the perfect time to make your resolution to lose weight become a reality. Most American’s put on one pound between Thanksgiving and Christmas and they don’t lose that pound the rest of the year. At Tiger Schulmann’s Kickboxing classes in Abington you […]

A New Years Resolution With A Kick

New Year - Fresh Start in blue letters in notebook

  A New Years Resolution With A Kick   For most people when the new year comes around they have great intentions on getting in great shape, to be in the best shape of their lives.  They set that “NEW YEARS RESOLUTION“, but fail at keeping it.  Below this paragraph is how people live their […]